Friday, January 15, 2021

Substance or Drug Abuse: An Introduction



Substance or Drug Abuse – Consumption of illegal substances or drugs and excessive use or consumption of prescribed medicines and alcohol.


          It is the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs (National Health Portal of India).


Characteristics/Salient Features

(i)       They alters the brain chemistry.

(ii)      Changes the behavioural pattern and mental health.

(iii)     Increases the risk of dependence.

(iv)     Once consumed initiate strong and uncontrolled craving.

(v)      Significantly associated with mortality and morbidity.

(vi)     They odourless, tasteless, and colourless.

(vii)    Can induce strong hallucinations.


Common Substances and Drugs that are Excessively Used or Abused.

(i)       Alcohol

(ii)      Opiates {heroin (‘smack’/‘brown sugar’)},

(iii)     Cocaine,

(iv)     LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide),

(v)      Hallucinogens (Ecstasy drug),

(vi)     Cannabis.

(vii)    Pharmaceutical opioids (such as buprenorphine, pentazocine and dextro-propoxyphene).

(viii)   Prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse.

(ix)     Marijuana (Hashish, Ganja and Bhang).

(x)      Inhalants: Paint thinners, petrol, gases (butane, propane, and laughing gas).


Common symptoms

(i)       Red eyes.

(ii)      Uncontrollable laughter.

(iii)     Sluggish speech.

(iv)     Uncontrolled and binge eating.

(v)      Peculiar smell in hair and clothes.

(vi)     Loss of appetite.

(vii)    More substance for similar effect.

(viii)   Gain or lose body weight.

(ix)     Vibration in limbs.

(x)      Expression of withdrawal symptoms after stopping to take drug.


Drug Abuse Indicators

          DSM-V defines substance abuse as a maladaptive pattern of drug use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one or more of four symptoms or criteria in a 12-month period.

(i)       Failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home such as Repeated absences, tardiness, poor performance, or neglect of duties in major life domains indicates drug abuse.

(ii)      Recurrent drug use in situations in which it is physically hazardous, is a sign of abuse. Operating machinery, driving a car, or swimming, while under the influence indicates drug abuse.

(iii)     Legal issues such as arrests for disorderly conduct or driving under the influence of drugs are indicative of abuse.

(iv)     Persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused by the effects of the drug, is indicative of abuse. For example, getting into arguments or fights with others or acting inappropriately in front of others (which is disapproved of) is indicative of abuse.



1.       Murthy, P., Manjunatha, N., Subodh, B. N., Chand, P. K., & Benegal, V. (2010). Substance use and addiction research in India. Indian journal of psychiatry, 52(Suppl 1), S189–S199.





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