Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Nature of Schizophrenia


          The functional psychosis in which individual looses connectivity with reality.

    Schizophrenia is a descriptive term for a group of psychotic disorders characterized by gross distortions of reality; withdrawal from social interaction, and the disorganization and fragmentation of perception, thought, and emotion (Coleman, 1988).

Distortions in

(i)       Thinking,

(ii)      Perception,

(iii)     Language,

(iv)     Sense of self and behaviour.


Defining Features of Schizophrenia

          Hallucinations and Delusions


          The individual who suffers from schizophrenia had normal development during the childhood. But four groups of children are considered as high risk, children: -

(i)       with Schizophrenic Mothers,

(ii)      with a history of serious prenatal or birth difficulty,

(iii)     who show unsocialized behaviour, including extreme aggressiveness, and

(iv)     brought up in aversive socio-cultural environment.

          The study of high-risk children can show some insight into the origin of Schizophrenia.

Nature: Introduction

          Schizophrenia is one of the most serious of the psychotic disorders and termed as heterogeneous clinical syndrome. The symptoms expressed by individuals differ in intensity, type and level of distress causes in the individual and care givers. It has no exact cause. The intensity of symptoms gradually increases to a level where it can lead to severe disability.


Features Associated with Nature of Schizophrenia

          The onset of schizophrenia is late adolescence (male) and early adulthood (Female). However, it can begin its impact in late childhood. The individuals who had episodes of schizophrenia in late childhood are likely to suffer from developmental problems attributable to its symptomatology. It impairs the brain chemistry leading to impairing cognitive functioning.


          Interestingly, schizophrenics are unaware about their morbidity due to distorted awareness or anosognosia (neurological deficit due to brain damage). In the initial years of onset of this disorder the individual respond with sign and symptoms of anxiety and depression.

          Schizophrenia a selective in its manifestation of symptoms such as its negative symptoms tends to remain for longer period while positive one tends to subside with age. It means that negative symptoms are significant contributors in development of the disorder. The schizophrenics whether male or female have life time high risk of committing suicide. It interferes with adjustment by virtue of behavioural change.

(i)       Schizophrenia is a treatable thought disorder.

(ii)      Induces loss of self-control leading to unpredictability in behaviour, response and actions including suicide and suicide ideation

(iii)     Gender neutral but onset in males is earlier than females

(iv)     Stress and environmental stressors intensify the symptoms

(v)      An encyclopedic constellation of psycho-physiological symptoms

(vi)     Highly distorted sensory (all five) responses

(vii)    It is not necessary that all symptoms are found in each case

(viii)   The schizophrenia instills a sense of inadequacy

(ix)     Exaggerate and diminishes the psychological abilities

(x)      Contributes in impairment of physical health

(xi)     Reduces the synaptic connections in the brain

(xii)    Straight and significant impact on conscious awareness



          The percentage of remaining afflicted with schizophrenia for life time is less than 1%. The prevalence may vary depending on the following factors: -

(i)       Socio-cultural norms

(ii)      Geographical location

(iii)     Residential status



1.       Coleman, C. J. (1988). Abnormal psychology and modern life. Bombay, India: D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co.

3.       NCERT. (XII). Psychology Book.

4.       DSM V Manual. Published by APA.



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