Sunday, January 3, 2021

Criterion and Characteristics of Abnormality

 Abnormality: Indian Historical Perspective   

            Indian Bhoot vidya, refers to the study of psychological and emotional disorders (Verma 1965). Abnormality was characterized in terms of mental disorders. ‘Self’ is the center of abnormality which is more than merely a complex of body and mind. The nomenclature of mental disorders was based on the names of Gods and devils (Abhyankar, 2015). The contributory factors of abnormality are:

Preoccupation with shat ripus [षत रिपु] (Six foes),

(i)         Kama (lust),

(ii)        Krodha (anger),

(iii)       Lobha (greed),

(iv)       Mada (Pride or aggression),

(v)        Moha (desire), and

(vi)       Matsar (jealousy).

             Arjuna (पार्थ) faced a peculiar situation (विषाद) that led him to disoriented state (Temporary abnormality) of being. Then Krishna comes to his rescue and helped him regaining his normal state of mind.

 How to deal with abnormality?

(i)         Spiritual stimulation,

(ii)        Treatment by insight, and

(iii)       Mind management through deep meditation and integrating with Self.

 Abnormality: Western Historical Perspective

             Abnormality in terms of mental disorders was considered as the handy work of demons. The individual suffering from mental disorders were considered as possessed by some evil spirit. That has its own methods to deal with such as exorcism. The treatments were administered by priests.

             Hippocrates decried this view and considered it a disease that needs proper cure.

             Plato advocated humane treatment for such patients.

             Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) strongly advocated that mental patients should be treated with kindness and consideration as sick people and not as vicious beasts or criminals (Coleman, 1988). His work led to emergence of mental hospitals in the France.

 Characteristics of Abnormality

1.         Abnormality is an absence of normal state mental health.

2.         It is the indicator of inadequacy in mental functioning, adjustment and interpersonal relationships.

3.         Abnormality manifests the disturbed state of the mind leading to disoriented thought process.

4.         It significantly interferes with cognitive, behavioral and emotional well-being of an individual.

5.         Abnormality considerably inhibits the ability to cope with the life stressors.

6.         It weakens resilience and optimism while enhances pessimism, hopelessness and negativism.

7.         It results in mental inadequacy resulting in significant decline in productivity.

8.         Emotional imbalance is the decisive indicator of abnormality.

 Criteria of Abnormality

Unable to use individual cognitive capacity for various activities such as observation, imagination, learning, thinking etc.

2.         Expression of deficiency in mental efficiency.

3.         Inadequacy in rationalized, flexible and logical thinking.

4.         Frequency of expression of frustration and other behavioural manifestations is higher.

5.         Find difficult to perform day-today activities effectively.

6.         More often suffers from negativism, insecurity and guilt.

7.         Find it difficult to solve problems and deal with common life stressors.

8.         Lack responsibility, self-discipline and live-in unreal world.

9.         Poor interpersonal relations.

10.       Lack in situation specific appropriate emotional expression.



1.         Verma, L. P. (1965). Psychiatry in ayurveda. Indian J Psychiatry. 1965;7:292.

2.         पांडेय, जगदानंद. (1956). असामान्य मनोविज्ञान. पटना: ग्रंथमाला प्रकाशन कार्यालय।

3.         Coleman, J. C. (1981). Abnormal psychology and modern life.



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