Friday, March 29, 2019

Objectives of Guidance

Meaning of Guidance

            The term 'guidance' is derived from word 'guide' that means to show the way to a needy person. A guide one who has deep knowledge so that seeker can be enlightened. The modern urban life with technology advancements, 24X7 media and complexities of social life had introduced new psycho-social challenges which young and adults found it difficult to cope with which led to the origin of concept of ‘guidance’. Guidance is the assistance provided a qualified and trained person to an individual to help him to manage his own life activities and deal with challenges. In the educational field, guidance means assisting the students to select courses appropriate to their temperament and interests and achieve excellence in his or her chosen field.

Definitions of Guidance

            According to Crow and Crow, "Guidance is the assistance made available by competent counselors to an individual of any age to help him direct his own life, develop his own point of view, make his own decisions, carry his own burdens".

            According to Jones, "Guidance involves personal help given by someone; it is designed to assist a person to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do or how he can best accomplish his purpose; it assists him to solve problems that arise in his life”.


            According to Kuppuswani, “Guidance is the process of helping a person with his adjustment problems”.

            According to BF Skinner, “Guidance is a process of helping young persons to adjust to self, to others and to circumstances”.

            According to Jones, “Guidance is the help given by one person to another in making choices and adjustments and in solving problems”.

Kothari Commission on guidance

1.         Guidance, therefore, should be regarded as an integral part of education.

2.         It is a continuous process aimed at assisting the individual to make decisions and adjustments from time to time.

3.         Helping pupils to make a satisfactory transition from home to school.

4.         Diagnosing difficulties in learning of basic educational skills.

5.         Identifying pupils in need of special scheme into education (gifted, backward, physically handicapped).

6.         Guiding pupils to develop insight into the world or work.

Objectives of Guidance

1.         To help the individual in psychological, social and physical development.

2.         Adjusting with the psycho-physical and social environment.

3.         To make the individual competent enough to face the challenges successfully.

4.         To provide appropriate knowledge to the individual in accordance with her/his temperament and needs.

5.         To help individual in selection of vocation or profession.

6.         To activate the individual to become self-guided and self-reliant in dealing with life issues.

7.         To assist in selection of subjects of study.

8.         To inculcate the feeling of social service in order to enhance the social well-being.

9.         To provide help in dealing with occupational stress.

10.       To remain positive, cheerful and happy so that individual can improve social adaptability, adjustment and empathy.         


1.         Aamodt, M. G. (2010). Industrial/ Organizational Psychology: An applied approach. Belmont: Wadsworth.

2. Commission.

3.         Rao, S. N. (2004). Counselling and Guidance. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.

4. 2976/8/08_chapter%202.pdf.

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