Saturday, September 14, 2019

Emergence as a Science

          “Psychology is scientific study of behaviour management” (Dr Rajesh Verma)

          “Psychology is defined formally as a science which studies mental processes, experiences and behaviour in different contexts” (NCERT, XI).

          “The book (Principles of Physiological Psychology, 1873-74/1910, two volumes) I have presented to the public is an attempt to mark out a new domain of science” – Wilhelm Wundt, 1874

          “If I had known that the atomic bomb was going to be the result of my creativity, of my whole life's work, then I would never have been a physicist. And if there is going to be another life for me, I pray to God, please make me a plumber rather than a physicist." – Albert Einstein.

What is Science?
“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it” - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
“A systematic process of searching and application of knowledge gained thereof”.

Characteristics of science
1.       Acquiring knowledge through experiments and observation.
2.       Use of empirical {Empiricism (founded by John Locke) states that the only source of knowledge comes through our senses – e.g. sight, hearing etc.} methods to understand nature.
3.       Control and manipulation of variables.
4.       Objective observations.
5.       Testing, re-testing and verification of results.
6.       Replication and predictability.   

Discoveries Prior to Leipzig Lab that Set the Ground for Psychology becoming a Science
1.       Rene Descartes (1596-1650) describes reflex action, attributes and human beings are endowed with rational mind (Goodwin, 2008).
2.       Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) pioneered in visual and auditory perception, proposed trichromatic theory of colour vision, resonance theory of audition and empiricist approach to perception (Goodwin, 2008).
3.       Famous case of Phineas Gage (1848) that showed that brain damage resulted in irreversible changes to his personality and behaviour.
4.       Paul Broca discovery of speech center in 1861.
5.       Carl Wernick discovering speech comprehending centre.

Journey as a Science
          Psychology as a science began its journey long before opening of first lab at University of Leipzig in 1879 by Wilhelm Wundt. It was a watershed event because labs are the hallmark of science and psychology could join the league. The lab work demands use of empirical methods for studying a phenomenon.
The methods of natural science were adopted to study and explore the psychological constructs, aspects and concepts.
          Psychology came a long way from structuralism (introspection) to cognitive science (non-invasive technology). This has been achieved by: -
(i)      rigorous research work 
(ii)     critical analysis
(iii)    development of reliable and valid tools
(iv)    extensive peer review of research work
(v)     addressing the problems of society scientifically
(vi)    expanding the scope into new fields by application of its principles
          During the developing process Psychologists developed various theories such as theories of Memory, Attention, Perception, Intelligence, Emotions, Motivation using hypothetico-deductive model (Karl Popper, 1935) which means that a discipline is a scientific when it has theories to explain phenomenon. The second most important approach that modeled the psychology into science is ‘Evolutionary approach’ which is the domain of biological sciences. Evolutionary approach that views human nature as the product of a universal set of evolved psychological adaptations to recurring problems in the ancestral environment.
          The second most important approach that modelled the psychology into science is ‘Evolutionary approach’ which is the domain of biological sciences. Evolutionary approach that views human nature as the product of a universal set of evolved psychological adaptations to recurring problems in the ancestral environment.
          The psychologists adopted objective and precise measurements and empiricism {John Locke, it states that the only source of knowledge comes through our senses – e.g. sight, hearing etc. (McLeod, 2008)} as its method of enquiry consequently psychology evolving into science.
The subject that started with introspection as a method of studying the structure of mind is now exploring the mental processes through advanced models, experiments and technology.
          Though it has emerged as a science still control, observation, prediction, verification of human behaviour in its exact terms is not yet possible due to intricacies of mental processes. Psychology is a bridge that connects science with social sciences, it depends upon the individual to choose suitable approach.

1.       NCERT, XI Psychology Text book.
2. _psychology.
3.       Goodwin, C. J. (2008). A History of Modern Psychology. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

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