Sunday, April 28, 2019

IGNOU First Year PG Psychology Practical Viva Voce Questions and Answers

Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI)

Q. 1   What is Psychology?
Ans: Study of behaviour and related mental processes.
Q. 2   What is the full form of EPI?
Ans: Eysenck Personality Inventory.
Q. 3   How many items in EPI?
Ans:   57 (E-24, N-24 and L-9).
Q. 4   By whom and when EPI was standardized?
Ans: H. J. Eysenck and S. B. G. Eysenck (1964)     
Q. 5   Maximum possible score of EPI.
Ans:   57 (E-24, N-24 and L-9).
Q. 6   What EPI measures?
Ans:   Extraversion and Neuroticism (Personality type).
Q. 7   L stands for what in EPI?
Ans:   L-Lie.
Q. 8   How much time it takes to complete EPI?
Ans:   Not fix time limit, however usually it takes 12 to 15 minutes.
Q. 9   What is personality?
Ans:   Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. Or sum total of all traits.
Q. 10  Name two more tests to assess personality?
Ans:   MMPI and MPI.
Q. 11  How scoring is done?
Ans:   Using scoring stencil provided by the author.
Q. 12  Who standardized EPI for Indian population?
Ans:   Prof B S Gupta, BHU.
Q. 13  What are the application of EPI?
Ans: Study of behaviour and individual differences.
Q. 14  Who male or female score higher on E and N in EPI?
Ans: EPI norms (Hindi version) indicate that males had larger score on E Scale and Females had large score on N Scale. No significant difference on L Scale between genders.
Q. 15  Which type of response from the subjects is sought by the authors of EPI?
Ans:   First and immediate response that comes to mind just after reading the item is needed to be marked instead of response after deliberation.



Q. 1   Define sociometery.
Ans:   Socio (Latin) means ‘Social’ or ‘Relationships’ (सम्बन्ध). Metrum (Latin) means ‘Measurement’ (माप). “The measurement of interpersonal connection  between two people is sociometery” (J. L. Moreno, 1951).
Q. 2   Who defined sociometery in clear terms?
Ans:   J. L. Moreno, 1951.
Q. 3   What is sociogram?
Ans: Graphical representation of social relationships that an individual has.
Q. 4   How many minimum members are required to conduct an experiment of sociometery?
Ans:   2 or more.
Q. 5   Purpose of Sociometery method?
Ans:   Measurement of social relationships that exists among the members of a group.
Q. 6   Sociometery comes under which domain of psychology?
Ans:   Social Psychology.
Q. 7   Where sociometeric method can be applies?
Ans:   Within a group where people are known to each other.
Q. 8   Where sociometeric methods are used?
Ans:   Classrooms, defence services, professional and all other institutions where group of individuals are involved.
Q. 9   What is social psychology?
Ans:   The scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviour in social situations (Baron, Byrne & Suls,1989). Use of psychological methods, theories and principles in studying society and individuals.
Q. 10  Which modern websites uses sociometeric principles?
Ans:   Facebook, Linkedin etc.
Q. 11  Define ‘Star’ and ‘Isolates’ in sociometeric experiment.
Ans:   Star – the individual who gets maximum likes within the group.
          Isolate – the individual who gets maximum dislikes within the group.


Family Pathology Scale

Q. 1   Define psycho-pathology?
Ans:   Psychopathology is the scientific study of mental disorders, there manifestation causes and their classification.
Q. 2   No. of items in Family Pathology Scale?
Ans:   42.
Q. 3   Maximum score of Family Pathology Scale?
Ans:   42-126.
Q. 4   What does Family Pathology Scale measures?
Ans:   The extent to which maladaptive behaviour is present amongst the family members in their interaction with each other.
Q. 5   Response pattern of FPS?
Ans:   3 Point Likert Type Rating Scale.
Q. 6   Who designed FPS?
Ans:   Prof Vimala Veerarghvan & Dr. Archna Dogra.
Q. 7   FPS can be administered on which type of population?
Ans:   Families and married couples.
Q. 8   What role a family plays in dealing with psychological disorders?
Ans:   Family is crucial in dealing with psychological disorders it can aggravate or manage it effectively depending upon the perception of family towards mental disorders. In other words provides social, personal and psychological support.
Q. 9   Define social support.
Ans: Social support means having friends and other people, including family, to turn to in times of need or crisis to give a broader focus and positive self-image.
Q. 10  What are demographics?
Ans:   Information sought on the booklets such as name, gender, age, educational qualifications, residential status, family type, annual income etc.


Span of Attention

Q. 1   Define attention?
Ans:   The concentration of mental efforts on sensory or mental events.
Q. 2   What is attention span?
Ans:   The amount of concentrated time an individual can spend on a task without getting distracted. Or the time period to remain focussed on an event.
Q. 3   Name the instrument used to assess the span of attention of human beings.
Ans:   Tachistoscope.
Q. 4   Who designed Tachistoscope?
Ans:   German physiologist A. W. Volkmann in 1859.
Q. 5   The mechanical Tachistoscope is designed to display stimulus card for how much time period?
Ans:   1/10th of a second.
Q. 6   For illiterate people which types of cards are used?
Ans:   Cards with dot marks instead of words.
Q. 7   Can colourful cards be used in Tachistoscope?
Ans:   No.
Q. 8   When to terminate an experiment?
Ans:   After two consecutive unsuccessful attempts.
Q. 9   Which type of test it is i.e. group or individual test?
Ans:   Individual Test.
Q. 10  Studying attention comes under which domain of psychology?
Ans:   Cognitive psychology.
Q. 11  How many cards can be used for a subject?
Ans:   Maximum 10 and Minimum 6.


Bhatia Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence

Q. 1   Why it is called battery?
Ans:   Because it consists of 5 sub tests.
Q. 2   What it measures?
Ans:   The construct of intelligence (mental ability).
Q. 3   How many sub tests are in Bhatia’s Battery?
Ans:   5 (Koh’s Block Design test, Alexander pass along test, Pattern drawing test, Picture construction test and Immediate memory test).
Q. 4   Maximum score an individual can score on Bhatia Battery is?
Ans:   95.
Q. 5   Maximum score of each subtest is?
Ans:   Koh’s Block Design test – 25
          Alexander pass along test – 20
          Pattern drawing test – 20
          Picture construction test – 15 
          Immediate memory test – 15
Q. 6   No. of cards in Koh’s Block Design Test.
Ans:   10.
Q. 7   What is the correct nomenclature of Bhatia’s Battery?
Ans:   Bhatia Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence.
Q. 8   What is the formula of IQ?
Q. 9   Who gave the term IQ?
Ans:   German psychologist William Stern in 1912 when he defined intelligence quotient as a ratio of an estimated "mental age" and "actual chronological age".
Q. 10  What is “Chronological Age” and “Mental Age”?
Ans:   Chronological Age – From birth.
          Mental Age – The level of mental ability or capacity of an individual in relation to the chronological age of the average individual at this level. E.g. a five year old child with the mental capacity of a 7 year old.
Q. 11  When Bhatia’s Battery was developed?
Ans:   In 1955 by Dr. Chander Mohan Bhatia.
Q. 12  How raw scores are interpreted?
Ans:   By comparing with norms table given in manual.
Q. 13  What is the sequence of administration of subtest?
Ans:   As per manual –
          1. Koh’s Block Design Test,
          2. Alexander Pass Along Test,
          3. Pattern Drawing Test,
          4. Picture Construction Test and
          5. Immediate Memory Test.
Q. 14  How many pictures are used in Picture Construction Test?
Ans:   5.
Q. 15  Alexander Pass Along Test have how many cards?
Ans:   8.
Q. 16  When a particular sub test is to be terminated?
Ans:   After two consecutive failed attempts.
Q. 17  What is intelligence and who devised first test of Intelligence?
Ans:   According to David Wechsler “Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment”.
French psychologist Alfred Binet and his student Theodore Simon in 1905.
Q. 18  The intelligence test devised for what purpose?
Ans:   To identify school children that needed remedial studies i.e. to segregate slow learners from normal children.
Q. 19  Name 2 tests of assessment of intelligence of an individual.
Ans:   Raven’s Progressive Matrices and WAIS, Jalota’s Test of Mental Ability.
Q. 20  What is the approximate time it takes to administer Bhatia’s Battery?
Ans:   Approximately 1 hour.
Q. 21  How many cards are used in Pattern Drawing Test?
Ans:   8.
Q. 22  What is the age range of subjects on which Bhatia’s Battery was standardised?
Ans:   11 to 16 years.       
Q. 23  What are the uses or application of measure of Intelligence tests?
Ans:   In selection of subjects, career selection, assessment of mental ability helps in selecting appropriate cognitive load for the assesse.
Q. 24  Bhatia’s Battery is which type of intelligence measurement test?
Ans:   Performance type.
Q. 25  Who can administer Bhatia Battery?
Ans:   Trained psychologist only.




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