Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sociometric Method

Meaning of Sociometry

            Socio (Latin) means ‘Social’ or ‘Relationships’.

            Metrum (Latin) means ‘Measurement’


The measurement of interpersonal connection between two people is sociometry

(J. L. Moreno, 1951).

Definition of Sociometry 

            The technique of studying structure of a group and measuring the status of each individual is known as sociometry. It is the measurement of social relationships that exists among the members of the group. This technique of social research recognizes that human beings make choices. These choices (positive and negative) not only define our social relationships but also degree of these relationships.

Choices – We sit with in class

                 We can dine with

                 We love to share everything with

Sociometric Method

            The basic requirement of sociometry is a sociometric test.  The test also have few requisites:

1.         The respondent or subject should be informed about the limitations of the group.

2.         The subject should have unlimited alternatives.

3.         The acceptance or rejection of a person by the subject should be on a given specific criterion.

4.         The group should be reorganized on the basis of outcomes of the test.

5.         The acceptance or rejection of peoples by the subject must be on her/his personal opinion and should not be revealed to anyone.

6.         The sociometric criterion (Questions/statements) must be clearly understood by the subject in letter and spirit.

Sociometric Criterion

            Choice is the base of sociometry and choices are based on criterion. The criterion on which choices are based is called a ‘Sociometric Criterion’ which can be a statement or a question. It describes the dimensions and degree of interpersonal relations under investigation.

The criterion can be Positive or Negative.

1.         Positive – The criterion that tend to reveal positive outcomes such as ‘Would you like to participate in class discussion?’. Discovers acceptance.

2. Negative – The criterion that tend to reveal negative outcomes such as ‘Name the student you would like not to sit with her/him’. Discovers rejection.


            The selected sociometric criterion is given to a respondent and her/his choices are asked based on the given criterion. Similarly other group members are tested on the same criterion. Finally, their responses are represented by a diagram which is known as ‘Sociogram’.


             Sociogram is the representation of the outcomes of a sociometric method. It is a visual presentation of relationships among members of a group. The ‘Sociogram’ is an excellent technique of understanding mutual relationships of group members in a cursory look.

Uses of Sociometric Method

1.         For research in sociology, social psychology and other social sciences.

2.         For study, diagnose and prediction of dynamics of group and social interaction (Albani Laguna, 2018).

3.         Used to detect patterns of relationships i.e. positive or negative.

4.         It helps in determining structures and subdivisions of a group.

5.         It helps in improving the mutual relationships among students of a classroom.

6.         To identify existence of an individual in a group.

7.         To study the degree of group identity.

8.         Used in educational institutions, defence services, professional and all other institutions where group of individuals are involved.


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