Friday, May 13, 2022

Bell Adjustment Inventory (Hindi Adaptation by Mohsin & Shamshad, 1969)


Q. 1    Who and when Bell Adjustment Inventory (BAI) was published?

Ans:   H. M. Bell in 1934

Q. 2    BAI related to which psychological construct?

Ans:   Personality

Q. 3     BAI is what type of psychological inventory?

Ans:    It is paper pencil inventory and can be administered individually as well as in group settings.

Q. 4     How many total items are there in BAI (Mohsin & Shamshad)?

Ans:    135

Q. 5     In how many areas BAI measures the adjustment?

Ans:    4

Q. 6     Name the thrust areas of BAI.

Ans:    Home, Health, Social and Emotional.

Q. 7     Does BAI measures 4 domains separately or it have composite score?

Ans:    BAI measures adjustment in 4 areas separately as well as composite score for overall adjustment.

Q. 8     Define home adjustment.

Ans:    Home adjustment is expressed in terms of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with home environment and life.

Q. 9     Define health adjustment.

Ans:    Health adjustment is expressed in terms of illness.

Q. 10   Define social adjustment.

Ans:    Social adjustment in terms of shyness, submissiveness and introversion.

Q. 11   Define emotional adjustment.

Ans:    Emotional adjustment in terms of depression and nervousness.

Q. 12   What does the degree of scores indicate?

Ans:    High score indicates low adjustment and vice-versa.

Q. 13   Describe the breakdown of items in accordance with the 4 domains.

Ans:    Home adjustment – 35

            Health adjustment – 31

            Social adjustment – 34

            Emotional adjustment – 35

Q. 14   How many numbers of response categories are given for each item?

Ans:    3

Q. 15   What is the estimated time required to complete the full inventory?

Ans:    Approximately 35 to 40 minutes

Q. 16   Which methods were used to estimate the measure of reliability of BAI?

Ans:    Test re-test reliability and Odd-even reliability

Q. 17   With which external criterion was BAI validated?

Ans:    It was validated against Hindi version of Eysenck Personality Inventory by Jalota and Kappor, 1965. Those who scored high on BAI also scored high on neuroticism (as measured by EPI). Those who scored high on Extraversion (EPI) also scored high on social and overall adjustment.

Q. 18   What does Hindi alphabets which are written at the start of items indicates?

Ans:    - Indicates that this item belongs to Home adjustment domain

            - Indicates that this item belongs to Health adjustment domain

            - Indicates that this item belongs to Social adjustment domain

            - Indicates that this item belongs to Emotional adjustment domain

Q. 19   What is the scoring procedure of BAI?

Ans:    Score 1 as per the details given in the manual.




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