Friday, May 13, 2022

16 Personality Factors


Q. 1    Who devised 16 PF?

Ans:   British Psychologist Raymond Cattel in 1949.

Q. 2    Who standardizes 16 PF in India?

Ans:   SD Kapoor in 1970.

Q. 3    What is the age range for administration of 16 PF?

Ans:   16 years and above.

Q. 4    How many forms are devised for assessment of different components of personality?

Ans:   Five forms A, B, C, D and E.

Q. 5    On which population type Form A, B, C and D can be administered?

Ans:   High school students and above that have average or higher intelligence

Q. 6    On which population type Form E can be administered?

Ans:   The individuals who have marked educational and/or reading deficits.

Q. 7    What is the nature of 16 dimensions of personality mentioned in 16 PF?

Ans:   The nature is essentially independent.

Q. 8    What is the average recommended speed of answering questions given in various forms of 16PF?

Ans:   Almost 5 to 6 questions in 1 minute.

Q. 9    What is the maximum time prescribed for answering all questions of Form A & B and Form C & D of 16 PF?

Ans:   Form A & B – 45 to 60 minutes

          Form C & D – 25 to 35 minutes

Q. 10  How many questions are given in Form A of 16 PF?

Ans:   187

Q. 11  How many questions are given in Form B of 16 PF?

Ans:   187

Q. 12  How many options are available for respondents for each question of Form A and B?

Ans:   Three

Q. 13  How questions are arranged in various forms of 16 PF?

Ans:   Arranged roughly in cyclic order

Q. 14  What is purpose behind arranging the questions in cyclic order?

Ans:   For convenience of hand scoring and to ensure variety and interest for the examinee.

Q. 15  Name the scales inserted in Form A, C and D of 16 PF which are meant to identify the common distortions?

Ans:   Faking Good, Faking Bad and Random responses.

Q. 16  What is Faking Good?

Ans:   An attempt by test taker to make him look socially favourable as possible.

Q. 17  What is Faking bad?

Ans:   An attempt by test taker to make him look socially unacceptable as possible.

Q. 18  Where Form C & D is commonly used?

Ans:   In occupational selection work

Q. 19  What is the combination of forms of 16 PF is suggested for best outcomes?

Ans:   A+B and C+D i.e., to obtain best results at least a set of 2 forms is to be used.

Q. 20  Which is the most frequently used Form of 16 PF?

Ans:   Form A

Q. 21  Describe the reading level of all five forms of 16 PF?

Ans:   Form A & B – 7th to 8th Grade

          Form C & D – 6th to 7th Grade

          Form E – 3rd to 4th Grade

Q. 22  Define reliability?

Ans:   The degree to which test scores are free from errors of measurement.

Q. 23  Which method was used to estimate the reliability of 16 PF forms?

Ans:   Test re-test reliability

Q. 24  Which type of test is 16 PF?

Ans:   It is paper-pencil test of personality and can be used individually as well as in group settings.

Q. 25  How much time is prescribed for the examinee to read the instructions printed on the front page of each form?

Ans:   Maximum 5 minutes.

Q. 26  On which approach of personality 16 PF questionnaire is based?

Ans:   Trait approach

Q. 27  Name the factors of personality assessed in 16 PF.

Ans:   Factor A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4

Q. 28  Describe the factor’s name of 16 PF?

Ans:   Factor A – Cool vs Warm

          Factor B – Concrete Thinking vs Abstract Thinking

          Factor C – Affected by Feelings vs Emotionally stable

          Factor E – Submissive vs Dominant

          Factor F – Sober vs Enthusiastic

          Factor G – Expedient vs Conscientious

          Factor H – Shy vs Bold

          Factor I – Tough minded vs Tender minded

          Factor L – Trusting vs Suspicious

          Factor M – Practical vs Imaginable

          Factor N – Forthright vs Shrewd

          Factor O – Self-assured vs Apprehensive

          Factor Q1 – Conservative vs Experimenting

          Factor Q2 – Group-oriented vs Self-sufficient

          Factor Q3 – Undisciplined Self-conflict vs Following Self-image

          Factor Q4 – Relaxed vs Tense


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