Sunday, May 19, 2019

Motor Development

            According to Hurlock (1978) “Motor development means the development of control over body movements through the coordinated activity of the nerve centres, the nerves and the muscles”. Motor development means the growth of physical systems of body such as bones, muscles, tissues etc. It is important for adjustment with physical environment because childhood is the period of rapid growth and development. This growth improves the ability of a child to interact with surroundings in a coordinated way. In other words graduating of child from gross motor movements to fine motor movements such as finger dexterity, fine bone joint movements, tongue movement and fine sports activities.

1.         Individual differences – Though the pattern of motor development is similar in children but rate differs due to several factors such as genetics, socio-cultural environment,
nutrition and family income etc.
2.         Gender differences – The children of both genders develop almost at the same rate up to the age of 3 years. From the 4th year marked differences in motor development between genders are observed.
3.         From gross to fine – The child learn gross motor movements which then transforms into fine motor movement along with growth in muscular and other systems of the body.
4.         Predictable sequence – The motor development follows a set and predictable pattern across the cultures and geographical location with varying rate.
5.         General to specific – Initially child produces general and gross responses to stimuli. This occurs due to poor control over muscular system. As child gains maturity and control over muscles general responses changes into specific ones.

Motor Activities
1.         The first sign of motor development comes when child pick, grasp and throw objects.
2.         The dependency of infancy starts to wear out and child becomes capable to wear cloths, tie shoelaces, play with ball, self-feeding etc.
3.         At the age of 5 to 6 years due to newly found strength the child learns to use legs skilfully for motor activities such climbing up & down, rope skipping etc.
4.         School plays a role of facilitator in motor development during 4 to 5th year by providing stimulating environment and situations such as writing, making paper objects, drawing, use of spoon, toy making etc. 
5.         At the age of 6 years child develops ability to play games that require fine eye and muscular coordination such as riding tricycle, drawing etc.
6.         The motor development gains momentum in the 7th and 8th year where child engage in more complex activities that require precision movements such as balancing. It is also known as refining period where child refines previously developed skills e.g. riding bicycle skilfully.
7.         They now have longer attention span, ask questions, imitate friend’s actions, takes interest in music, takes pleasure in team games and activities etc.
Important Motor Skills
            Following skills develop during childhood.
1.         Standing and walking independently.
2.         Self-dressing, writing, wearing shoes.
3.         Preference for right or left hand.
4.         Running, hopping, rope skipping, playing.
5.         Cycling and climbing up & down.
6.         Cutting papers with the use of scissors.
7.         Pain bearing capacity, dancing, creative responses to queries, painting, language skills, walking zig-zag, muscular coordination, personal care etc.

The motor development helps in:
1.         Personality development,
2.         Autonomy,
3.         Security,
4.         Intellectual development,
5.         Self-concept, self-esteem and identity.

2.         NCERT, XI Psychology Text book.
3. tracker/six/index.html
5.         Hurlock, E. B. Developmental Psychology: A life span approach. Mcgraw Hill.

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