Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Educational Guidance Nature, Pupil Personnel work, Pupil appraisal information

 Educational Guidance

         Educational guidance refers to supporting the students, teachers and parents in informed decision-making in achieving academic goals. Educational guidance is limited to educational goals and educational institutions. The support can be in the following domains: -

  1. Course and program selection,
  2. Competitive Exam preparation,
  3. Writing answers,
  4. Improving learning experience,
  5. Assignment and project preparation,
  6. Using educational opportunities,
  7. Academic activities,
  8. Personal development,
  9. Time management, and

10. Options for further higher studies.

 Nature of Educational Guidance

Life is too short to learn everything from experience. Human faces challenges and problems at every step of life. Human needs are the genesis of these challenges hence, to overcome challenges and problems, human being require guidance from others. One of the major domains that generate several challenges is the educational sector. To overcome these challenges, educational guidance is an imperative need. It involves at least two individuals, one seeking guidance and the other providing guidance. Individual faces. Our choices and decisions are essential in determining what we will be. So, helping each individual to solve his problems and develop skills in making choices and adjustments at each stage of growth is the most critical task of guidance. Guidance helps the individual to be aware of his strengths and limitations. Guidance is an individualised process where each individual is considered unique and endowed with specific abilities and traits. The students are helped to choose courses and programs suitable to them regarding their talent and capability; guidance can contribute to the more efficient use of manpower. The educational guidance spreads options open for the students to fix realistic life goals and plan the course of action according to their ability, taste and temperament and pursue them realistically to find satisfactory results for their talents. Educational guidance helps students to make choices at various stages of their educational career. EG helps in the following ways:

  1. Provide information regarding their potentialities.
  2. To assist the students to understand, accept and utilize his talent.
  3. To help the students to choose educational programs best suited to them.
  4. To help the students to solve their personal problems.
  5. To help the students to make successful adjustments to the environment.
  6. To help the students to handle their emotional problems effectively.

Pupil Personnel Work (PPW)

Pupil Personnel Work is a term used in education to describe the work of professionals who provide guidance and support to students. This work is often carried out by school counselors, social workers, and psychologists, among others. The goal of Pupil Personnel Work is to help students achieve their academic, personal, and social goals by providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed. According to a Arthur J. Jones, Pupil Personnel Work is viewed as an aspect of personnel work that is concerned with bringing the pupils of the community into the educational environment of the schools in such condition and under circumstances as will enable them to obtain the maximum of the desired development.

It is primarily concerned with the student’s success in educational career. It relates to the student’s adjustment to school and to the preparation and carrying out of suitable educational plans in keeping with his educational needs, abilities and career interests. It include school counselors, school psychologists, social workers associated with school and child welfare and attendance providers. The personnel involved in providing guidance services to the pupil first must understand the unique needs of the children:

  1. Child needs reliable information regarding school, self, immediate environment and social set up.
  2. Child needs scope of opportunities, tryouts, explorations, and curious to learn about her abilities.
  3. Child needs sympathetic understanding, wise counsel, watchful care and few friends.

Only after understanding the needs of the child the pupil personnel workforce of the educational organisation should offer guidance to the child. The child is kept at center of all affairs in PPW model. Each personnel have specific duties and responsibilities towards child. They must be made aware of their role in providing guidance services.

Pupil Appraisal Information

     It refers the process of gathering and analyzing data about students to help them achieve their academic, personal, and social goals. This information is gathered and subsequently used by professionals which includes school counselors, social workers, and psychologists. These professionals are jointly known as component of Pupil Personnel Services (PPS). The cardinal purpose of the this information is to provide guidance and support to students.

     Pupil Appraisal Information is an essential component of Educational Guidance. It involves gathering, organizing, and interpreting information about the student’s academic performance, aptitude, interests, personality, and other relevant factors that can help in developing suitable educational plans for the student.

The information collected in Pupil Appraisal Information includes:

1.  Academic Performance - This includes information about the student’s grades, test scores, and other academic achievements.

2.  Aptitude - This refers to the student’s natural abilities and potential for learning in different areas.

3   Interests - This includes information about the student’s hobbies, passions, and other activities that they enjoy.

4.  Personality - This refers to the student’s temperament, character traits, and emotional makeup.

5   Family Background - This includes information about the student’s family history, socio-economic status, and other relevant factors that can impact their education.



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