Friday, November 1, 2019

Nature of Perception – II (Factors Affecting Perception (Perceiver's))

Factors Affecting Perception (Perceiver's)

Perception is affected by two types of factors
1.       Perceiver’s factors (internal) &
2.       Stimulus factors (External)

Perceiver’s factors (Internal)
1.       Motivation – The motives of an individual have significant effect on the perception (Effect of hunger on perception).
2.       Expectations – What an individual ‘expects’ from a particular stimulus or event influences the perception of that event or stimulus. Perceiving things under the influence of expectation is known as perceptual familiarisation or perceptual generalization.
3.       Cognitive Style – It refers to consistent way of dealing with environment (NCERT). The way people think & perceive the sensation. Two type of cognitive style such as Field Dependent and Field Independent are more often used by people.
4.       Cultural Aspects – The individual develops within the framework of culture and social set up. The cultural aspects such as traditions, folklores, mores and regulations influence the perceptual process.
5.       Experiences – Experiences         modify behaviour (learning). The diverse experiences influence the perception of individual (Hudson           studies of African and Eskimos)

Stimulus factors (External)
1.       Intensity of Stimulus – It means the relative strength of the stimulus. Stimulus with higher intensity are perceived easily.
2.       Attractiveness of Stimulus – The quality of being pleasing or appealing to the senses. Attractive stimuli are perceived earlier.
4.     Distance from the Stimulus – The physical distance between the stimulus and perceiver. Stimuli that are nearer are perceived easily and earlier than the stimuli which are farther.
5.       Size – The size of stimulus means its relative dimensions. Larger visual stimuli are perceived earlier and easily.
6.       Frequency – The rate of occurrence of a stimulus. Higher the frequency easily it can be perceived.
7.       Novelty and Familiarity – The novelty means ‘new stimulus’ and familiarity means ‘previous experience with particular stimulus’. The novel and familiar stimuli are perceived easily and earlier.

1.       NCERT, XI Psychology Text book.
2.       Ciccarelli, S. K. & Meyer, G. E. (2016). Psychology. Noida: Pearson India.
3.       Baron, R. (1993).  Psychology.

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful article. Thank you for sharing your views on the growing topic of psychology called Social Perception .
    Once Have a look on this.
    Factors Influencing Social Perception


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