Saturday, August 31, 2019
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET) Syllabus
Unit 1: Development
Jean Piaget (Adaptation, Assimilation, Equilibrium etc) cognitive development theory; Jean Piaget theory of Morality; Lev Vygotsky; Kohlberg’s Moral Development; Heredity and Environment; Stereotypes and Prejudice; Aptitude (Meaning, Nature and Testing); Attitude (Meaning, Nature and Testing); Values in terms of family, society and behaviour; Bronfenbrenner Ecological Model; Adolescents (Ego-centrism); Development of Gender constancy; Stages of Childhood.
Unit 2: Learning
Meaning and Definition; Thorndike theory; Laws of learning; Classical Conditioning; Pseudoconditioning; Operant Conditioning; Schedule of Reinforcement; Gestalt Theory of Learning (Insight Theory); Robert Gagne Theory of Learning; Stanley Hall; Gutherie; Tolman; Albert Bandura; Shaping; Martin Seligman (Learned Helplessness); STAD (Student Teacher Achievement Division) method of cooperative learning; Meta-cognition.
Unit 3: Personality
Meaning and Definition; Type and Trait Approach; Personality and its Type (Rosenman, Friedman and Morris Type A, B, C, D); Matrick & Eysenck (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6); Psychoanalysis; Carl Jung; Carl Rogers Humanistic theory; Abraham Maslow; Kurt Lewin (Topological Psychology); Tridosh and Triguna Concept (Charak Samhita); Halo Effect (P 504 Ciccarelli).
Unit 4: Perception
Meaning, Nature and Definition; Gestalt theory and laws of perception; Gibsonian Approach; Hebb; Information Processing Approach; Physiological Approach; Illusion; Hallucination.
Unit 5: Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence
Meaning and Definition; Heredity and Environment; Binet’s and Simon’s Contribution in Intelligence; Spearman; Thrustone; Sternberg; Thorndike; Gardener; Guilford; Raymond Cattell; Vernon; Jenson; PASS Model; Intelligence Quotient (IQ); Intelligence tests (Group and Individual, Culture fair and culture free tests); Emotional Intelligence; Creativity; Creativity and Intelligence.
Unit 6: Attitude, Attention, Thinking and Problem Solving
Meaning of Attitude; POX model of Attitude Change; Cognitive Dissonance Theory; Meaning and type of Attention; Thinking and Problem Solving (Meaning and Definition, Steps in Problem Solving, Factors affecting Problem solving);; Reasoning and its Types.-2
Unit 7: Emotions
Meaning and Definition; Theory of Emotions (James Lange, Sachchter-Singer, Cannon Bard and others); Affective Domain.
Unit 8: Motivation & Stress
Motives, Drives, Needs & Motivation; Meaning and Characteristics of Stress; GAS.
Unit 9: Memory
Definition; Three Stages (Encoding, Storage & Retrieval); Stage Model (Sensory Memory; STM; LTM); Types of LTM [Declarative (Episodic and Semantic) and Procedural Memory]; Forgetting; Hermann Ebbinghaus Curve; Primacy and Recency effect; Model of Memory Level Teaching.
Unit 10: Guidance and Counseling
Guidance Concept; Carl Rogers contribution.
Unit 11: Testing & Measurement
Projective (Rorschach, TAT, CAT, Word Association Test) and Non Projective Personality Tests (Personality Inventories); Observational Method; Scales (Bogardus social distance scale, Likert scale etc.); Levels of measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio).
Unit 12: Educational Psychology
Morality and Ideas; Basic Components of Language (Phone, Phoneme, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Syllables, Morphemes); Stages of Language development (Cooing, Babbling, One Word Stage, Two Word Stage, Telegraphic Stage and Normal Speech) Language Development (Noam Chomsky); Lev Vygotsky; John Dewey contribution in Education; Critical Pedagogy;
NCF 2005; Basal Age; Ceiling Age; Kilpatrick (Project method); PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) method of teaching; Reciprocal teaching; Informal Education; Parallel Play; Teaching strategies; Teaching method at primary level; Role of Co-curricular activities in school.
Unit 13: Psychological Disorders
Mental Illness Definition; Abnormal Behaviour; Psychological Approach; Organismic Approach; Biological Approach; Neurological Approach; Learning Disabilities (definition) (Dyslexia, Disgraphia, Discalculia, Dyspepsia, Dysphagia, Hyperlexia etc); ADHD; ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder); Anti social Behavior; Conduct Disorder; Aggression (Verbal, Physical, Hostile and Proactive); SAD (Separation Anxiety Disorder); Depression; Dysthymia;
Down’s Syndrome; Autism; Hypochondriasis; Schizophrenia; Eating Disorders; Tourette Syndrome; Asperger syndrome;; Dissociative Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Phobias; Anxiety Disorders.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Monday, August 19, 2019
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Friday, August 16, 2019
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
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