Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET) Syllabus

Unit 1: Development
Jean Piaget (Adaptation, Assimilation, Equilibrium etc) cognitive development theory; Jean Piaget theory of Morality; Lev Vygotsky; Kohlberg’s Moral Development; Heredity and Environment; Stereotypes and Prejudice; Aptitude (Meaning, Nature and Testing); Attitude (Meaning, Nature and Testing); Values in terms of family, society and behaviour; Bronfenbrenner Ecological Model; Adolescents (Ego-centrism); Development of Gender constancy; Stages of Childhood.

Unit 2: Learning
Meaning and Definition; Thorndike theory; Laws of learning; Classical Conditioning; Pseudoconditioning; Operant Conditioning; Schedule of Reinforcement; Gestalt Theory of Learning (Insight Theory); Robert Gagne Theory of Learning; Stanley Hall; Gutherie; Tolman; Albert Bandura; Shaping; Martin Seligman (Learned Helplessness); STAD (Student Teacher Achievement Division) method of cooperative learning; Meta-cognition.

Unit 3: Personality
Meaning and Definition; Type and Trait Approach; Personality and its Type (Rosenman, Friedman and Morris Type A, B, C, D); Matrick & Eysenck (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6); Psychoanalysis; Carl Jung; Carl Rogers Humanistic theory; Abraham Maslow; Kurt Lewin (Topological Psychology); Tridosh and Triguna Concept (Charak Samhita); Halo Effect (P 504 Ciccarelli).

Unit 4: Perception
Meaning, Nature and Definition; Gestalt theory and laws of perception; Gibsonian Approach; Hebb; Information Processing Approach; Physiological Approach; Illusion; Hallucination.

Unit 5: Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence
Meaning and Definition; Heredity and Environment; Binet’s and Simon’s Contribution in Intelligence; Spearman; Thrustone; Sternberg; Thorndike; Gardener; Guilford; Raymond Cattell; Vernon; Jenson; PASS Model; Intelligence Quotient (IQ); Intelligence tests (Group and Individual, Culture fair and culture free tests); Emotional Intelligence; Creativity; Creativity and Intelligence.

Unit 6: Attitude, Attention, Thinking and Problem Solving
Meaning of Attitude; POX model of Attitude Change; Cognitive Dissonance Theory; Meaning and type of Attention; Thinking and Problem Solving (Meaning and Definition, Steps in Problem Solving, Factors affecting Problem solving);; Reasoning and its Types.-2

Unit 7: Emotions
Meaning and Definition; Theory of Emotions (James Lange, Sachchter-Singer, Cannon Bard and others); Affective Domain.

Unit 8: Motivation & Stress
Motives, Drives, Needs & Motivation; Meaning and Characteristics of Stress; GAS.

Unit 9: Memory
Definition; Three Stages (Encoding, Storage & Retrieval); Stage Model (Sensory Memory; STM; LTM); Types of LTM [Declarative (Episodic and Semantic) and Procedural Memory]; Forgetting; Hermann Ebbinghaus Curve; Primacy and Recency effect; Model of Memory Level Teaching.

Unit 10: Guidance and Counseling
Guidance Concept; Carl Rogers contribution.

Unit 11: Testing & Measurement
Projective (Rorschach, TAT, CAT, Word Association Test) and Non Projective Personality Tests (Personality Inventories); Observational Method; Scales (Bogardus social distance scale, Likert scale etc.); Levels of measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio).

Unit 12: Educational Psychology
Morality and Ideas; Basic Components of Language (Phone, Phoneme, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Syllables, Morphemes); Stages of Language development (Cooing, Babbling, One Word Stage, Two Word Stage, Telegraphic Stage and Normal Speech) Language Development (Noam Chomsky); Lev Vygotsky; John Dewey contribution in Education; Critical Pedagogy;
NCF 2005; Basal Age; Ceiling Age; Kilpatrick (Project method); PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) method of teaching; Reciprocal teaching; Informal Education; Parallel Play; Teaching strategies; Teaching method at primary level; Role of Co-curricular activities in school.

Unit 13: Psychological Disorders
Mental Illness Definition; Abnormal Behaviour; Psychological Approach; Organismic Approach; Biological Approach; Neurological Approach; Learning Disabilities (definition) (Dyslexia, Disgraphia, Discalculia, Dyspepsia, Dysphagia, Hyperlexia etc); ADHD; ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder); Anti social Behavior; Conduct Disorder; Aggression (Verbal, Physical, Hostile and Proactive); SAD (Separation Anxiety Disorder); Depression; Dysthymia;
Down’s Syndrome; Autism; Hypochondriasis; Schizophrenia; Eating Disorders; Tourette Syndrome; Asperger syndrome;; Dissociative Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Phobias; Anxiety Disorders.

Yoga Day Meditation at Home